Saturday, June 24, 2006

Giving everyone room to dream....

I was flipping through the pages of the Next-Wave Ezine (figuratively speaking, of course), and came upon this beautiful article written by Dan Kimball (crazy hair!!), a fellow serving Christ in a community of Christ-followers called Vintage Faith in Southern California.

In his opening comments he says this:

"We just wrapped up a teaching series at Vintage Faith Church where we were talking about "church" being people and not a building. As part of the series, we had little blank white post cards in every bulletin and asked the question of everyone "What do you dream this church could be?" and then had them fill in the black on the card, "I Dream Of A Church....." and then whatever they might dream of. We are really trying to create a culture where the church is not about just the pastors dreams and hopes but the people of the church, who are the church, are the dreamers of what God could do in us and through us as a church. I got the responses and it was really amazing and humbling reading the several hundred responses that were turned in..."

As intrigued as I was? Click on the link to read more.

Here's the link to the article.


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