Saturday, October 21, 2006


An incredible quote from Donald Miller in Through Painted Deserts.

"I could not have known then that everybody, every person, has to leave, has to change like seasons; they have to or they die. The seasons remind me that I must keep changing, and I want to change because it is God's way. All my life I have been changing. I changed from a baby to a child, from soft toys to play daggers. I changed into a teenager to drive a car, into a worker to spend some money. I will change into a husband to love a woman, into a father to love a child...keep changing with my wife, getting our love so it dies and gets born again and again, like a garden, fed by four seasons, a cycle of change. Everybody has to change, or they expire."

This has been a crazy last three weeks for me...lots of work, lots of people going through low times (some riding a little more easy), officiating at my first funeral ever (scary! but i made it), feeling broken down and torn apart inside, feeling whole and fulfilled inside, new friendships (one growing faster and deeper than I ever could have predicted), aching, mindbending stripping and building up going on (thanks God?)...this is the stuff of life. I'm fooling myself and leading others astray if I ever give the picture it's anything other than this.

Sometimes I want to give up.

If I'm honest, I'm petrified of the future. How will I make it? Will I make it? Can I grow up? Can I be faithful to what God has called me to? Will I be faithful to what God has called me to? Will I leave a "mark" on people's lives? What will that "mark" look like?

Beyond all the questions, there are several things I'm sure of.

God is good.
He asks of me radical faithfulness and committed love.
I must not be afraid to open the door of my heart (just a crack?) to let others see me for who I really live with integrity and transparency.
As a Christfollower, the ordinary events of my life are charged with a transcendent reality that over and above my humanity, the more I am committed to Jesus, the more my light blooms in the darkness and reflects into the lives of others...
I am nothing special, and yet, my willingness to pursue life can transform my little corner of the universe and leave a legacy. What will my legacy be?

And yet, I am still afraid. I am growing to hate fear...


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