Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Further thoughts on femininity (see Anne Frank post)...

I was putzing around a bit on the net today on a little break time from paper-writing and on the Resurgence blog, I found the thoughts of a certain Rebecca Jones entitled "Does Christianity Squash Women?" I could quibble a bit with her here and there, but she's giving voice to a lot of what I've been feeling recently as I wrestle with this issue. Here's an excerpt from her thoughts:

"In my own experience with women in the thirty years since I graduated from college, I have found that most of them--whether Christian or atheist, single or married, aged twenty or seventy--long for the same things. In their relationships with men, they want faithful fathers, brothers, husbands and sons who love and respect them, rather than mocking, ignoring, or hurting them. They want fun, but meaningful sexual relationships. In their relationships with women, they want honesty, and true sisterhood, as well as older women who can mentor them. They want the satisfaction of bearing and rearing children well. They want a place to call home--not simply an apartment, but an affectionate, safe "sit by the fire" home where they can be themselves without fear and where others can come to receive something from them. They want a sense of significance, of doing something that really counts in the world. Something only they can offer. "

Read the rest here. This is a loooooooong article, but full of nuggets of the good stuff. Gold, I mean. Not Jack's nuggets.

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