Monday, January 22, 2007

this is RICH!

I don't normally read Steve Rushin's column in SI because his writing style annoys and frustrates me. I don't really know why. He's probably a great guy. I just don't like his writing. I'm allowed to NOT read his column and still care about him, right? Anyways, in an article talking about a guy who's midway through a plan to run 52 marathons in 52 weeks in the October 2, 2006 SI, Steve says this:

"(Dane Rauschenberg) is just one more varietal in marathoning's can of mixed nuts. Ultra-marathon legend Dean Karnazes is one-third of the way through his 50 runs of marathon distance in 50 states over 50 consecutive days. Karnazes has been known, during exceptionally long runs, to eat a pizza and even to fall asleep, a feat few elite athletes have attained in competition, unless you count the Kansas City Royals."

Oh, now that one made my stomach knot up I laughed so hard!! And maybe I'm the only one that got cracked between the eyes by that quip, but it was worth funny.

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