Monday, October 30, 2006

Dan Kimball...such a timely voice...

I keep making promises to myself about writing out some of my thoughts here on life in general, how I'm processing thoughts, and things like recent books, music, or movies that are pushing me to continue moving, transforming, and changing in my life, but it's sooooo hard to sit down and spend some time thinking sometimes; what with seminary and church, etc. In short, I still have major work to do in my life in the area of discipline in general (though I'm growing), and I continue to appreciate friends and others holding me to accountability...

Dan Kimball at a worship conference in above pic

Now ignore that little preface, because I'm giving a link here to one of the most balanced, innovative, and visionary Christfollowers I know, and hopefully this link will greatly enhance your life; the way you think, the questions you ask, the conclusions you come to, and the details along the way. The post is called Pews, Pulpits, Pastors, Preaching, and other things that can get in the way of the "church" being the church, from Dan Kimball's blog (a pastor at Vintage Faith Church in CA). Dan's written two great books, The Emerging Church, and Emerging Worship that I have purchased and would recommend to anyone with a sense of discomfort about the present state of the church and a longing that we would live into our destiny as followers of Jesus.

So, though I haven't launched into the opportunity to get this mass of thoughts, ideas, and junk all pinging around inside my head out primarily for my own therapeutic good and secondarily in the hope that someone might identify on some level with where I am...enjoy Dan's blog. The link above is to the specific post. His blog, quite simply, is But you probably already figured that out by simply deleting off the specifics of the post and going right to the central site anyways, didn't you, you little Internet-savvy computer literate 21stcentury-ite. :)


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